Intense Pulse Light Therapy: A Solution for Sun Damaged Skin

Did you enjoy too much time in the summer sun?

Has sun exposure left your skin ruddy, red and dry? Do you have more freckles than you did this spring? Summer is an amazing time to enjoy family, play sports, enjoy leisure activities but it is not easy on the skin. Summer sun and Ultraviolet rays cause our skin to age prematurely. For most of us, sun exposure leaves skin dry, discolored and with a rough texture. Oxidation that occurs on the skin can increase color changes and leave skin looking older and more wrinkled. Fortunately, Rejuvenate at Capital Women’s Care offers the Intense Pulse Light (IPL) treatment. This is a light-based system that allows us to target discoloration (reds and browns) on the skin. IPL treatments can effectively treat and manage the following:


·      Malasma

·      Hyperpigmentation

·      Sun spots

·      Freckles

·      Rosacea

·      Fine vascular lesions on the face, neck and chest

·      Ruddy discoloration


IPL treatments take about 20 minutes and results come within 10 days. IPL treatments are an effective alternative to creams and topicals that can often take months to see results.


If treating sun damaged skin is on your “To Do” list this fall, give us a call at Rejuvenate at Capital Women’s Care and see if IPL treatments would be right for you!


 Online booking available at

Julie Pistorio